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How To Design Powerful Logo In Less Than 60 Seconds (Glorify Tutorial)

How To Design A Logo In Glorify

How To Design A Logo In Glorify

Here is something I do 99% of the time when I start a new project...

I begin with a logo.


Because a logo is the foundation.

It makes a strong first impression.

And if it’s good—which later, I’m going to show you how to design a strong, memorable logo—it can separate you from the competition.

But there is something else a good-looking, powerful logo does (at least for me): it sets the tone for the entire project.

What I mean by that is I get the feeling for what’s going to come next once I have a logo that I like. I can imagine the layout, the color palettes; in fact, the whole branding starts to develop once I have a good logo.

And so… in this video, I’m going to show you how simple it is to design a logo in Glorify. Obviously, there are many ways to do it. This is by far not the most detailed and comprehensive video about how to design a logo with all the bells and whistles, but it’s the way I’ve been doing it for a long time now… and it gets me and projects going.

If you need something really fast, this is going to help you design a logo super fast.

I’m talking about less than 60 seconds to design a logo you can export and use on your website.

And I’m going to show you how and walk you through the steps.

Perhaps give you a few ideas…

Who knows…

Here is where to find the video:

See you there...
