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New Glorify Template About To Drop!

New Glorify Template Designer

Look what my little brain spit out last Sunday...

Not too bad…

Could be improved?


I could turn it into an Instagram cover, Website header, flyer, or even a fully blown portfolio.

But I only had 30 minutes, and in this short time, I had to come up with an idea, choose fonts, and decide on a color palette…

And guess what?

Yesterday, I decided I’m going to turn it into a template. I'll give you a few sizes in case you want to download it.

I'll give you the following…

  • Logo
  • Instagram cover… (1080x1920)
  • Hero image for your website…(1920x1080)
  • Facebook cover (851x315)
  • Square Instagram post (1080x1080)
  • Square ad (1080x1080)

And probably more…

And hopefully save you time and money trying to hire a designer. You'll get instant access to these files as soon as you hit the download button.

Will upload the template into my library of Glorify templates tomorrow...

Now, I'm going to ride my mountain bike.

Get ready for tomorrow...


P.S. In case you’re wondering, the fonts I used for this project (template) are called The Neue Black and Sora and I believe they're free fonts you can find them by typing it into Google.

You'll need to upload the The Neue Black to your Brand Kit first otherwise the template won't work. Sora is Free Google font and it comes with Glorify, so no worries there.

If you don’t know how to upload custom fonts into Glorify, here is a short video demonstrating how to do that.