Can you create a complete design using just one font type?
To that question, I responded:
"Why not?"
If you know what you're doing, understand the industry, and are fully aware of what the client and their audience desire, then of course you can pull it off.
But let me tell you this:
Do your homework.
Research your competition and familiarize yourself with your field; otherwise, you'll be shooting in the dark.
I once met a guy who later became a friend of mine. This was back in 2009 when I was living in Auckland, New Zealand, and just getting into graphic design. The level of research this guy conducted before even opening Photoshop was astounding. He took countless screenshots, had articles hanging on his walls, meticulously tracked color palettes, styles, branding, and circled graphics similar to those used by competitors. His basement studio looked like something out of a movie... a private investigator's board covered with pictures, newspaper clippings, and anything else that might help solve a crime.
Every time I entered his basement, I not only felt inspired but also admired the sheer dedication he put into researching and analyzing his client's competition. This level of commitment was trully amazing!
So, the tip of the day is this:
Conduct thorough research.
Perhaps later, I'll share another story highlighting the importance of research, so you'll better understand that without it, you'll be as easily wiped away as dust from royal furniture.
Catch you later,
P.S. By the way, the greatest source of inspiration (at least for me) is magazines.... especially magazine ads. I love them because they're filled with graphics, fonts that work, and a plethora of other gems from which you can learn.
They serve as the perfect starting point.
Most are designed with one goal in mind: to sell a product. Having them in your hands will not only benefit you as a graphic designer but also as a marketer and copywriter.
You can truly delve into learning these powerful skills.
And guess what?
I happen to have 500+ of them ready for you to explore if you're interested. You can access the entire collection below...
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